Effective Date: March 1, 2014

The ZITO LLC Privacy Policy ("Privacy Policy") states how ZITO LLC ("przent®") uses Personal Information ("Personal Information") provided by all users of the ZITO LLC Technologies ("Technologies"), which shall include websites, machines, emails or other communications, products and samples, and services, on or after the Effective Date. Please review the Privacy Policy before utilizing ZITO LLC Technologies. If you do not agree to the ZITO LLC practices as stated, please do not utilize ZITO LLC Technologies, or interact with ZITO LLC partner offers or services as provided through ZITO LLC Technologies. By accessing and utilizing the ZITO LLC Technologies you agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy and consent to the use of your Personal Information according to the Privacy Policy.

Who Controls Your Personal Information

You control your Personal Information. Your Personal Information will not be provided to any third parties without your explicit consent, except for ZITO LLC service providers such as email services or payment processors, such providers bound by law or contract to use your Personal Information only for the purpose of providing contracted service to ZITO LLC and you. If this Privacy Policy should change in the future, then you may determine if you wish to continue forward with ZITO LLC. Your Personal Information will not be provided retroactively to third parties without your explicit consent. By choosing to interact with a specific partner of ZITO LLC, such as a vendor of products or services to you, you are agreeing that your Personal Information may be provided to that specific vendor. You may "opt-out" of ZITO LLC information at any time by entering your registered email address and identifying password on the "opt-out" page, or by replying directly from your email address to the "opt-out" link provided in ZITO LLC communications.

Personal Information

Personal Information includes your Contact Information, Lifestyle Information, Demographic Information, Geographic Information, Transaction Information, Financial Information, Relationship Information and Social Media Information. Contact Information is data that facilitates communication between ZITO LLC and you, which will include your name, password or other identifying number, identifying mark or personal characteristic such as fingerprint or retinal scan or facial scan or other genetic marker, email addresses, postal addresses, telephone numbers, or other website user account names. Lifestyle Information is data about your interests, likes and dislikes, including as examples: products and services, brands, entertainment, music or other artistic styles and pieces, sports, teams, countries, institutions, groups, types of people, political or philosophical views. Demographic Information is data about your personal characteristics and background, including as examples: gender, age, nationality, heritage, competency such as eyesight compared to a norm or average, height or weight, identifying marks such as scars, tattoos or piercings, eye or hair color, or any other skill, competency or disability. Geographic Information is data about where you live, have lived, work, recreate, visit or otherwise have an affinity, which may include as examples the state where you live, national parks that you visit, foreign countries that you like to visit, college that you attended, city where you were born, or present location of your mobile telephone. Transaction Information is data you may provide to facilitate a purchase or transaction for product or service provided by ZITO LLC or through a ZITO LLC partner, and information about how you interact with ZITO LLC merchants, partners or product and service providers. Financial Information is data you provide to process payments or other transactions and may include your credit or debit card number, expiration date, card verification number, address of account holder and account holder name. Relationship Information is data about your affiliations, whether to people, institutions, groups, associations, other people interacting with ZITO LLC, other people who may be interacting with groups, other people to whom you may have formed a relationship, or other social media sites with which you interact or may interact. Social Media Information is data you post publicly on social media sites, which may include name, profile. comments, collections, events and other social media groups to which you belong.

Information Collected

ZITO LLC collects Personal Information when you choose to view web pages, subscribe or enroll, create accounts, use a ZITO LLC machine, purchase products from a ZITO LLC partner within the guidelines of a ZITO LLC program or interact within the ZITO LLC websites and communications. You will be offered opportunities to provide additional Personal Information, which may be in return for opportunities of additional or more targeted offers. You may be given the opportunity to attach additional Personal Information aggregated from third parties, such as social media websites. We collect Transaction Information, for example if you register or sign up for a specific offer that requires advance registration, or for offers that you view or redeem or communications that you make. Cookies or tracking technology may be used to collect information about your computer and your interaction. Similar tracking information may be collected if you contact us through any of the other ZITO LLC Technologies. If you are using a ZITO LLC machine or kiosk to conduct a transaction, there may be additional information provided at the kiosk regarding the types of transactions conducted and any charges, fees or refund policy as may be appropriate through that machine and partner.

How Information Is Used

ZITO LLC uses Personal Information to arrange and communicate offers, to manage and administer operations, and to market services. Personal Information may be used specifically for these activities: Arrange offers targeted to you or those in relationship to you; Facilitate visits to select vendor locations by you or those in relationship to you; Track receipt of samples and purchase of products at select vendor locations by you or those in relationship to you; Deliver Customer Service to select vendors, to you and to those in relationship to you; Improve Efficiency of ZITO LLC websites, machines and other ZITO LLC Technologies and operations; Enable Registration and update of information, as well as "opt-out" processes; Communicate updates and administrative notices about ZITO LLC operations; Aggregate Data to market the value of ZITO LLC services; Advertise vendor or third party products and services, particularly as targeted to you by Personal Information you provided; Improve Efficiency of ZITO LLC websites, machines and other ZITO LLC Technologies and operations;


ZITO LLC may enable you to refer friends, or other people in relationship to you, to interact with ZITO LLC and ZITO LLC vendors, such referral possibly rewarded through additional or more targeted offers. Other people you know may also refer you for specific offers or more targeted offers than you would otherwise have received. Personal Information for you, for the people you refer or for the people that refer you, shall all be subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy and shall be enacted for those who interact with przent®.

Updating Information

ZITO LLC will provide methods for you to update your Personal Information, either by collecting or adding data, and also by choosing to "opt-out" of marketing communications. Please note that even if you "opt-out" of marketing communications, you may be contacted with further administrative or transaction information such as payment receipts.

Information Security

przent® takes all standard precautions to keep Personal Information secure. Administrative, technical and physical controls of website interactions and data are updated and will be updated according to current technology available. Any information stored on a machine or other device in a public space shall utilize an encrypted hard disk or more stringent security to prevent access to data in the event of theft. ZITO LLC uses known methods of cookies and web tracking information, but does not and will not use surreptitious methods to exploit browsers or websites to collect additional Personal Information that you did not intend to provide. Third party vendors that you may choose to connect, link or otherwise create an interaction may then use methods of their own choosing for collecting and tracking information about you, for which przent® does not control, govern or otherwise take responsibility. ZITO LLC presents no warranty, guarantee or claim of authenticity for third party vendors that may advertise or otherwise provide services through ZITO LLC technologies.

Country Specific Guidelines

ZITO LLC is headquartered in the United States of America, but may operate according to this Privacy Policy throughout the world. This Privacy Policy shall be valid regardless of whether you interact solely within one country or across several countries. Personal Information may be accessed or transferred by ZITO LLC anywhere in the world, while protected by the Privacy Policy and security as described.

California Privacy Rights

Pursuant to California Civil Code, Section 1798.80 - 1798.84, residents of California can obtain a copy of their Personal Information that ZITO LLC may have shared with third parties for direct marketing purposes during the proceeding calendar year. ZITO LLC does not share Personal Information with third parties for direct marketing purposes, other than for the fulfillment of ZITO LLC services as described in Section 1798.80 - 1798.84. To request a copy of your Personal Information held by ZITO LLC, please contact us via email to privacy@zitollc.com.